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What is a form? Classification of Form | Form Design

What is a form? Classification of Form | Form Design

Form And Form Design: Forms such as fee collection form in a college, purchase order from etc are primary carries of data. They are the user requests for some action. It is impossible to imagine a business without forms because it is used.

  1. To obtain information most efficiently.
  2. Disseminated information easily.
  3. Store information effectively & economically.


Classification of Forms

  1. Action Form

Action form requests the user to do something & get action.


Characteristics of Action form

  1. Orders, instructs, authorizes
  2. Achieve results
  3. Goes from one place to another.


Application from, purchase order, shop order etc.


  1. Memory Form

A memory form is a record of historical data. It is used for reference.

Characteristics of Memory Form

  1. Represents historical data.
  2. Prepared for future reference
  3. Stationary & remains in one place
  4. Serves as control on certain details


Bond register, Inventory record etc.


  1. Report Form

It is summary picture of a project. It provides information about job or details that need attention. It is used as a basis for decision making.

Characteristics of Report Form

  1. Summary picture of a project
  2. Provides information about those parts of organisation that need attention
  3. Used by a manager with authority to make change.
  4. Used as a basis for decision making.


Balance sheet, profit & loss statement etc.


Form Design

Form is a tool with a message; it is a physical carrier of data & information. Therefore, a properly designed form is necessary for the efficient functioning of a system.

Requirements of Forms Design;

The main requirements of forms design are given below;

  1. Descriptive headings

The title of the form should clearly identify the purpose of the form. It should be as simple as possible.


  1. Logical Flow of Information

The entries on a form should ensure a logical sequence bringing together related material.


  1. Physical Attributes

Deciding on the form’s color, margin, layout, numbering is an important part of form design.


  1. Ease of Data Entry

They must be designed in such a way that the data entry become easier.


  1. Sufficient instructions for the user

Sufficient instructions should be included in the form to inform the user as to how the form should be used & handled.


  1. Size & Arrangement

Size & shape of the form should be such that it is convenient for handling, filing, sorting etc. It should provide space for signatures.


  1. Maximum Reliability

The form must be easy to use & fill out.


Type of Report

Forms design should also consider whether the content is executive summary, intermediate managerial information or supporting data. The user requirements for each type often determine the final form design.


Layout considerations

When a form is designed, a list is prepared of all the items to be included on the form & the maximum space to be reserved. The list should be cheeked by the form user to make sure it has the required details.


1 .Form title & number

The form title should be brief & descriptive that tells what the form is. It should be placed in the center of the top of the form.

A form number identifies the form, serves as a reference & provides a control check for the supply room.



  1. Data Classification & Zoning

List all the items that must go on the form & classify them into logical groupings.


  1. Rules & Captions

Rules (lines) & captions are used to guide the human eye to read & instruct.


  1. Box Design

The box design reduces the form size by 25to 4o percent.


  1. Size & Shape of Entry spaces

These must be sufficient space to allow for data capture.


  1. Ballot Box & Check off Designs

Use ballot box & check off designs boxes for questions that can be answered by Yes or No.


  1. Paper Selection

Forms may be printed on paper of different colors, grades & weights .


  1. Cost Considerations

The cost reducing factors are

  1. Using standard size and weight paper.
  2. Ordering in larger quantities at a discount.
  3. Discouraging the use of unnecessary color.
  4. Using standard locations for key captions & form title.

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