Credit cards are another popular form of payment systems. They allow consumers to extend their purchasing power. As a result,...
Following are the features of an Electronic Wallet:- Consumers need to enter their information just once in the E-wallet, instead...
An Electronic Wallet(E-wallet), also called Digital Wallet, is a piece of software that allows a user to make an electronic...
An E-payment System typically involves the following phases:- 1.Registration:- This phase involves the registration of the payer and the payee...
In an e-commerce environment, payments take the form of money exchange in an electronic form and are therefore called electronic...
Electronic cash ( e-cash) system differ in implementation but every electronic cash system must have the following properties:- Monetary value:-...
Electronic cash(E-Cash) is a general term that describes any value storage and exchange system created by a private (non-governmental) entity...
Smart card is a thin, credit card-sized piece of plastic that contains a half-inch-square area that serves as the card’s...
Transaction integrity ensures that any illegitimate user’s modification to the message can be detected. Modification includes insertion, deletion, substitution...
Client computers must be protected from threats. Active contents can be one of the most serious threats to client computers....