NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Literature Chapter 4 Keeping it from Harold

NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Literature Chapter 4 Keeping it from Harold
NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Literature Chapter 4 Keeping it from Harold are part of NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English. Here we have given NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Literature Chapter 4 Keeping it from Harold.
Board | CBSE |
Textbook | NCERT |
Class | Class 9 |
Subject | English Literature |
Chapter | Chapter 4 |
Chapter Name | Keeping it from Harold |
Number of Questions Solved | 9 |
Category | NCERT Solutions |
NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Literature Chapter 4 Keeping it from Harold
(Page 28)
Question 1.
Before you read “Keeping It From, Harold”, the teacher will encourage you to answer or discuss the following:
- What are the different weight categories in Boxing ?
- Have you ever heard the song whose lyrics go like …. “He floats like a butterfly and stings like a bee” ? Who does ‘he’ refer to ? He is also known as ‘The Greatest’ boxer of all time. What was his original name ? How many times did he win the World Heavyweight Belt ?
- Find out from your friend if he!she watches WWE and who is his/her favourite wrestler. Also find out why he/she likes this wrestler.
- Discuss with your friend as to why these wrestlers have such a large fan following. Has the perception of people changed over the century with respect to those who fight in the ring ?
1. The different weight categories in Boxing are the following :
1. Light Fly 46 to 48 kgs
2. Fly 48 to 51 kgs
3. Bantam 51 to 54 kgs
4. Feather 54 to 57 kgs
5. Light 57 to 60 kgs
6. Light Welter 60 to 63.5 kgs
7. Welter 64 to 71 kgs
8. Middle 71 to 75 kgs
9. Light Heavy 75 to 81 kgs
10. Heavy 81 to 91 kgs
11. Super Heavy above 91 kgs
1. Yes, I have heard this song. It is all about the world Heavy Weight Champion in Boxing Cassius Clay alias Muhammad Ali.
His original name is Cassius Clay.
He won the World Heavyweight Belt three times.
2. I have talked about WWE with my friend. His favourite wrestler is ‘The Great Khali’. He is the first Indian who has made it to the Heavyweight Wrestling Entertainment after rising from humble roots. (His original name is Dalip Singh Rana. He hails from Himachal Pradesh in India).
4. For discussion with a friend. Some points relating to WWF and fan following are given below :
These wrestlers have a large fan following because of
- natural instincts to see traditional games like boxing, wrestling, kabaddi, etc.
- adventure, suspense and romance involved
- excitement as to who will win
- natural interest in sports
- seeing body building display
- wonder as to how such boxers and wrestlers maintain themselves fit and agile
- sheer entertainment involved
5. The perception of people has changed over the century with respect to these fighters in the ring for better. It is more due to the fact that these world boxers have become the star celebrities. It has been because of their personal endeavours, honest means and beliefs in sports and games. In the modern times boxing, wrestling, kabaddi, etc, have attracted more and more people. Boxing as a game has reached the villages now. It is now coupled with body building. Millions of aspirants are now attracted to it all over the world.
Question 2.
Now read the story :
For students to read the story.
Question 3.
Based on your reading of the story, answer the following questions by choosing the correct option.
(a) Mrs Bramble was a proud woman because ____
- she was the wife of a famous boxer.
- she had motivated her husband.
- she was a good housewife.
- she was the mother of a child prodigy.
(b) “The very naming of Harold had caused a sacrifice on his part.” The writer’s tone here is ____
- admiring
- assertive
- satirical
- gentle.
(c) Harold had defied the laws of heredity by _____
- becoming a sportsperson.
- being good at academics.
- being well-built and muscular.
- respecting his parents.
(d) Harold felt that he was deprived of the respect that his classmates would give him as _____
- they did not know his father was the famous boxer, ‘Young Porky’.
- his hero, Jimmy Murphy had not won the wrestling match.
- he had not got Phil Scott’s autograph.
- Sid Simpson had lost the Lonsdale belt.
(a) 4
(b) 3
(c) 2
(d) 1
Question 4.
Answer the following questions :
- What was strange about the manner in which Mrs. Bramble addressed her son ? What did he feel about it ?
- Why was it necessary to keep Harold’s father’s profession a secret from him ? [V. Imp.]
- When Mr. Bramble came to know that he was to become a father what were some of the names he decided upon ? Why ?
- Describe Mr. Bramble as he has been described in the story.
- Why was Mrs. Bramble upset when she came to hear that Bill had decided not to fight ?
- Who was Jerry Fisher ? What did he say to try and convince Bill to change his mind ?
- How did Harold come to know that his father was a boxer ? (CBSE March 2012) [V. Imp.]
- Why was Harold upset that his father had not told him about his true identity ? Give two reasons.
[V. Imp.] - Do you agree with Harold’s parents’ decision of hiding from him the fact that his father was a boxer ? Why / Why not ?
1. Mrs. Bramble felt amazed that she should have brought such a prodigy as Harold into the world. He was so different from other children. He was a model of behaviour and hence admirable. She had never expected that being the wife of a professional boxer she would mother such a gifted child. So she took a special care for Harold. She treated him as ‘a baby’ still. However, she felt jarred at being addressed like that.
2. It was necessary because Bramble and his wife felt more than obliged to be the parents of a gifted child. Bramble was a professional boxer and he should have children with such traits. But Harold’s being a prodigy was something that caused some sort of complex in them. They were doting parents. So they took a great care that Harold shouldn’t know his father’s profession.
3. Bramble thought that if he had a boy, he would name him as John, after John L. Sullivan. If they had a girl, she should be named Marie, after Miss Marie Lloyd. These personalities were celebrated ones. So Bramble wanted to name his child after them.
4. Mr. Bramble has been described as the mildest and most obliging of men. He was persuasive, a thorough gentleman and a doting father. He has a sacrificing nature. He yielded to all due to his soft and genial nature. This is seen in his changing his decision of fighting the boxing bout. He had decided to give up earlier.
5. Mrs. Bramble got upset because that would mean no money. So she was more upset because of money. She told him that Bramble had borrowed enough money from her. She hoped that she would get that back after Bramble fought the boxing bout and won. This money would ensure a good start of Harold’s life.
6. Jerry Fisher was the trainer at the White Hart. He was training Bramble to fight his boxing bout next Monday. He did everything possible to convince Bill to change his mind. He was not afraid of anybody. He even told Harold about his being a professional
boxer. He compelled Bramble not to give up. When Bramble asserted his decision of giving up, Jerry Fisher’s eyes had tears in them.
7. Harold came to know that his father was a boxer from Fisher. Fisher told him that his father was a fighting man, known to all the heads as a “Young Porky’. Harold’s mother and his maternal uncle Percy Stokes didn’t want it.
8. Harold was upset that his father had not told him about his true identity. First, Bramble was a man of muscle power whereas Harold was a man of intellect. Harold was a prodigy. Bramble had developed a kind of inferiority complex. Secondly, he had lately been a practiser of shady deeds. These two reasons kept him from telling Harold of being a professional boxer.
9. I agree with Harold’s parents’ decision of hiding from him this fact. Actually, Bramble was the mildest and most obliging of men. He had a sacrificing nature. Being such a man it was natural for him to prove his being a doting father. So whatever he did he did for the good of his son.
Question 5.
The sequence of events has been jumbled up. Rearrange them and complete the given flowchart.
- Major Percy and Bill come to the house.
- Harold comes to know that his father is a boxer.
- Bill tells his wife that he is doing it for Harold.
- Jerry Fisher tries to convince Bill to reconsider.
- Mrs. Bramble is amazed to think that she has brought such a prodigy as Harold into the world.
- Harold wants to know what will happen to the money he had bet on Murphy losing.
- Mrs. Bramble is informed that Bill had decided not to fight.
- Mrs. Bramble resumes work of darning the sock.
- Harold is alone with his mother in their home.
The proper sequence of events would be as follows :
9 → 5 → 8 → 1 → 7 → 4 → 3 → 2 → 6
9. Harold is alone with his mother in their home.
5. Mrs. Bramble is amazed to think that she has brought such a prodigy as Harold into the world.
8. Mrs. Bramble resumes work of darning the sock.
1. Major Percy and Bill come to the house.
7. Mrs. Bramble is informed that Bill has decided not to fight.
4. Jerry Fisher tries to convince Bill to reconsider.
3. Bill tells his wife that he is doing it for Harold.’
2. Harold comes to know that his father is a boxer.
6. Harold wants to know what will happen to the money he had bet on Murphy losing.
Question 6.
Choose extracts from the story that illustrate the characters of these people in it.
Person | Extracts from the story | What this tells us about their characters |
Mrs Bramble | (Para 12) “Bill we must keep it from Harold”. | She was not honest and open with her son ; concerned mother |
Mr Bramble | (Para 33) | |
Percy | (Para 109) | |
Jerry Fisher | (Para 110) |
Person | Extracts from the story | What this tells us about their characters |
Mrs Bramble | (Para 12) “Bill we must keep it from Harold”. | She was not honest and open with her son ; concerned mother |
Mr. Bramble | (Para 33) | She doesn’t understand the meaning of this statement; a simple-minded woman |
Percy | (Para 109) | Percy Stokes advises the use of wisdom and understanding; is submissive but far-sighted |
Jerry Fisher | (Para 110) | Jerry Fisher is not afraid of calling a spade a spade ; a down-right earthly man ; doesn’t fear anything; so a fearless, confident and expert trainer |
Question 7.
The teacher will ask the students to answer these questions based on an interview given by the legendary WWE wrestler, Kane to Chris Carle of IGN. The students are to listen to the interview.
- What were the video games that Kane liked playing earlier and which games later ?
- Who was Kane’s favourite wrestler when he was first getting into wrestling and who were some of the other wrestlers who influenced him into taking up wrestling ?
- How according to Kane had the WWE changed in the past ten years ?
- Does Kane prefer performing with the mask or without the mask ?
- Why does Kane wrestle these days even though he has accomplished almost everything ?
- What is your impression of Kane as a person after you have heard this interview ?
- Kane liked playing Halo 2 and Ghost Recon earlier. Later he liked to play THQ’s Raw vs. Smachdown 2006.
- Hulk Hogan. There were others also who influenced hiin into taking up wrestling. They were : Randy Savage, Ricky Steamboat, Rio Flair, Four Horsemen. Undertaker was his favourite.
- According to Kane the WWE had become a product of television. It had become stronger. The format of the show had also changed due to the competition from the formerly WCW. Also business had grown manifold.
- Kane prefers performing without the mask because he is unlimited in what he can do. However, with the mask he relies on body language.
- Kane wrestles these days for two things : one, for fun and two, for entertaining his fans.
- My impression about Kane is good. He is a wrestler in the true sense and a man of principles. Secondly, he has a warm respect for his fans. He is always ready for their entertainment.
Question 8.
Many people are of the opinion that violent, physical sports such as boxing, kick boxing and wrestling, to name a few should be banned while others think otherwise. Express your opinion on the topic by either writing in favour of banning these sports or against banning them. While writing, you should also include the rebuttal to your questions. Try not to go beyond 200 words.
Physical sports should be banned (in favour)
Physical sports should at once be banned. Physical sports are the sports where muscle power is the most important. In fact, it is the only power that is required in these sports. These are boxing, wrestling, kick boxing etc. This means that in such sports gripping, catching the opponent’s body and handling it to one’s advantage are the main things. Then both the participants aim at winning the game. It is quite possible that beyond a certain level the participants forget that it is sport only. In that event they may turn into enemies and harm each other. This, therefore, becomes very dangerous for either of the two.
Also it is quite possible that they may cross the decencies of these sports and go for the neck of each other. Thus such sports tend to end into serious injuries which may lead to death. I am, therefore, of this opinion that such sports involving physical contact of two or more persons is not at all desirable. Secondly, since such sports involve pure raw physical power, the opponents or the participants do anything to win physically. In doing so, they cross or tend to cross all the principles governing the sports or games. Such persons don’t see reason. But they can simply be animals beyond certain degrees. And in that case these sports become no sports but revengeful bouts. So I personally feel that these physical sports should at once be banned.
Against the motion
Physical sports like boxing, kick boxing and wrestling, involve the use of muscle power. That’s why, they are called physical sports. They are like other sports. They therefore, don’t involve any risk or danger to the person of the participants in principle. Many people are of the opinion that these sports should be banned because they tend to result’ in bloody fights. This fact is offset by the truth that the grappling opponents have to observe the rules of the game. Then there are spectators in the form of large crowds, together with the referees manning them. So the chance of getting the participants wild and out-of-control can’t be possible.
Then the participants are conscious of their future careers in these sports. They don’t put their careers at stake. Secondly, I would say that such sports have been played since ages, say from 3rd millennium. Homer’s Iliad contains the first detailed account of a boxing fight. So their utility and entertaining aspects can’t be ruled out. The next point is that the participants have their sporting career in their mind. They are governed by this fully while playing these. If they commit something unlawful or go against the rules of the sports, their sporting careers are liable to be ruined. Seeing these it is desirable that these physical sports are not banned.
Question 9.
A large part of the story is composed of conversation between the characters. Can you convert it into a play and in groups, present your version of the play before the class ? Before that, decide on the members of cast, minimum props required and also the costumes.
This is mainly a dramatic activity to be undertaken at classroom level. The following guidelines shall be of much use in performing this activity :
- Members of Cast : The members of the cast are to be Bramble, Mrs. Bramble, Jerry Fisher, Percy Stokes, and Harold.
- Minimum Props : The entire activity takes place in Bramble’s house. So minimum props are required. A humble house with modest props shall serve the purpose.
- Costumes/ dialogues/ make up etc : The costumes shouldn’t be out of tune and rhythm with what is given in the story. These are to be as per the characters being played. Their proper make up needs to be carried out as per different situations. Dialogues to be used are or may be picked verbatim from the story as these appear. What is important are the facial expressions, gait, manners of walking, looking, exchanging the dialogues, etc. These need to be practised and-rehearsed by the characters to give out a real effect and tenor of the play.
Make up should also go like that as per the situation, character etc. For instance, Harold should look like a studious boy, learned, wise, serious etc. Mr. Bramble should look like a submissive, yielding, caring and doting father. Equally, all other characters should appear likewise. They should enact their parts with truth, dedication and convincingness.
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