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NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Beehive Poem 9 The Snake Trying

NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Beehive Poem 9 The Snake Trying

NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Beehive Poem 9 The Snake Trying

NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Beehive Poem Chapter 9 The Snake Trying are part of NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English. Here we have given NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Beehive Poem Chapter 9 The Snake Trying.

Board CBSE
Textbook NCERT
Class Class 9
Subject English Beehive (poem)
Chapter Chapter 9
Chapter Name The Snake Trying
Category NCERT Solutions

NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Beehive Poem 9 The Snake Trying


Read the extracts given below and answer the questions that follow each :

The snake trying
to escape the pursuing stick,
with sudden curvings of thin
long body. How beautiful
and graceful are his shapes !
He glides through the water away
from the stroke. (Page 125) (Imp)
” alt=”” aria-hidden=”true” />NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Beehive Poem Chapter 9 The Snake Trying 1


(a) How does the snake escape the stick ?
(b) How does its body look ?
(c) How does the snake look when he escapes ?
(d) In what way does the snake move in water ?


(a) He escapes by sudden curvings in its body.
(b) It (Its body) looks long and thin and beautiful.
(c) He looks beautiful and graceful.
(d) He glides through the water.

2. O let him go
over the water
into the reeds to hide
without hurt. Small and green
he is harmless even to children. (Page 125)
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(a) Who is Trim’ in the first line ?
(b) Where will the snake be without being hurt ?
(c) How will the snake be to the children ?
(d) Where does the snake hide ?


(a) ‘Him’ is the snake.
(b) He will be so in the reeds.
(c) He will be harmless to them.
(d) The snake hides among the reeds.

3. Along the sand
he lay until observed
and chased away, and now
he vanishes in the ripples
among the green slim reeds. (Page 125) (V. Imp.)
” alt=”” aria-hidden=”true” />NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Beehive Poem Chapter 9 The Snake Trying 3
” alt=”” aria-hidden=”true” />NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Beehive Poem Chapter 9 The Snake Trying 4


(a) Where does the snake lie ?
(b) What does the snake do in the ripples ?
(c) How do the reeds look ?
(d) Give the meaning of ‘vanishes’.


(a) The snake lies along the sand.
(b) The snake vanishes in the ripples.
(c) The reeds look green and slim.
(d) It is ‘disappears’.

(Page 125)

Thinking About the Poem


  1. What is the snake trying to escape from ?
  2. Is it a harmful snake ? What is its colour ?
  3. The poet finds the snake beautiful. Find the words he uses to convey its beauty.
  4. What does the poet wish for the snake ?
  5. Where was the snake before anyone saw it and chased it away ? Where does the snake disappear ? (CBSE 2016)


  1. The snake tries to escape from the pursuing stick.
  2. The snake is harmless. It is green in colour.
  3. The poet uses these words for conveying beauty : “beautiful and graceful, glides, small and green’.
  4. The poet wishes safety for the snake.
  5. The snake was far from the water and reeds. It disappears in the reeds.

1. Find out as much as you can about different kinds of snakes (from books in the library, or from the Internet). Are they all poisonous ? Find out the names of some poisonous snakes.

2. Look for information on how to find out whether a snake is harmful.

3. As you know, from the previous lesson you have just read, there are people in our country who have traditional knowledge about snakes, who even catch poisonous snakes with practically bare hands. Can you find out something more about them ?


1. Students can find out this information from books in the library, or from the internet. Not all the snakes are poisonous. Some of the poisonous snakes are : King Cobra, Russell’s Viper, Krait, etc.

2. This information may be obtained from the books in the library or from the Internet. This may also be got from a snake charmer.

3. They are snake charmers. They live mainly in forests. They are wandering tribes. They catch various snakes. They earn their livelihood by showing them to the public. They are a great source of information on snakes.

We hope the NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Beehive Poem Chapter 9 The Snake Trying help you. If you have any query regarding NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Beehive Poem Chapter 9 The Snake Trying, drop a comment below and we will get back to you at the earliest.

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