NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English Main Course Book Unit 2 Education Chapter 3 Inclusive Education
NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English Main Course Book Unit 2 Chapter 3 Inclusive Education are part of NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English. Here we have given NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English Main Course Book Unit 2 Chapter 3 Inclusive Education.
Board | CBSE |
Textbook | NCERT |
Class | Class 10 |
Subject | English Main Course Book |
Chapter | Unit 2 Chapter 3 |
Chapter Name | Inclusive Education |
Category | NCERT Solutions |
CBSE Class 10 English Main Course Book Unit 2 Education Chapter 3 Inclusive Education
Question 1.
Discuss in groups of four, the following questions :
- What was wrong with Fox’s school initially ?
- What were the reasons for improvement in the results ?
- Do you think the schools in the present day resemble Fox’s school ? If yes / no say how ?
- Can the Bat’s advice be extended to present day schools ? If yes, how ? If no, why ?
Students to discuss in groups as desired as directed by their class teacher. Some
information is given below on the above points to help them in their discussion :
- The wrong with Fox’s school initially was that he introduced many things in his curriculum. These were not liked at all by the students. Also they didn’t have an inherent interest for them.
- The reasons for improvement in the results were that despite teachers’ doing their best the students failed and failed. The teachers were very unhappy with the results. They tried all methods and conducted classes regularly. But no improvement was there.
- Yes, the schools in the present day resemble Fox’s school. The subjects taught to the students fail to excite them to learn. They are boring and not related to real-life situations. School education doesn’t make them competent to face the problems of life. There is no coordination between what one learns at school and what he has to learn to lead a happy life later.
- The wise Bat’s advice deserves to be extended to present day schools. It is so because students shall learn those things quickly for which they have a liking and an aptitude, or an inherent curiosity. When the students of Fox’s school were given the subjects of their liking and in relation to natural instincts they excelled in them. This should be the way to give education to all.
Question 2.
Discuss within your group in what way is the story of the Fox’s school applicable to your classroom. How can the issue of inclusion of students with different abilities be addressed in the best possible way ?
Group activity at classroom level. Some additional information is given below to enable the students to discuss the point in detail and with conviction :
The story of the Fox’s school is fully applicable to the classroom. If the students have a liking for a particular subject, they will learn it in the best manner. For instance, a student likes to study sports as he excels in it. He will do best in it if he is given sports as the main subject. But if he is forced to learn or study Sanskrit, he will miserably fail.
In such a backdrop, students must be identified as per their liking and inherent traits. Then they should be sent to those classes or subjects which cater to their talent and traits. Thus the issue of inclusion of students with different abilities can be addressed in this way.
Additionally, students identified with different abilities can be groomed by specialised courses. These should be relating to their inherent abilities and talents from the beginning. For instance, a student showing a potential for cricket can be sent to a cricket school to brighten in cricket. Going this way would bring in great results.
Question 3.
What does the term “inclusive education” mean to you ?
To me the term “inclusive education” means …………………………….
…. the education which is singly and totally devoted to one subject or one goal. Though ‘inclusive’ means including all things related to one particular aspect, it, here, means a different kind of education. It comprises the things which have an inherent connection with the students’ tastes, likings, talents and abilities.
Question 4.
Read the poem given below :
I am SPECIAL, and so are You
Students to read the poem on their own
The poet says that he and all others are special. He asks the reader to think what could have happened if Mother Nature had been uniform and all living beings had been the same. If ants, apes, leopards, bears, birds, clouds, leaves fish etc, had been uniform, life could have been tragic.
God is to be thanked that we all have different shapes and sizes, looks, talent etc. Friends are fat, skinny, graceful, slow, funny, helpful, intelligent, dance-lovers etc. This gives uniqueness.
The poet says further that his friends are intelligent. They are winners in dancing, music, painting and sports. Then there are others who are full of other surprises. This is because each of us is one of a kind specially created and specially designed.
Each of us has a purpose, a role, a goal and a dream. Each of us is different, special and rare. Therefore, the poet advises that we should love one another as life has an aim. This is to be happy being special. We should do what we do as we all are special.
Question 5.
Based on your understanding of the poem, have a group discussion on the topic : ‘Inclusion means acceptance of diversity in a classroom. ’ After having the discussion, a member of each group will make a brief presentation to the class, giving the views and opinions of the group.
Classroom activity. Group discussion on the topic to proceed as desired. The following points will help in the discussion :
- analysis of the comprehensive meaning of Inclusive Education vis-a-vis present-day situation. Meaning of diversity in a classroom like—a classroom has students having different tastes, talents, skills, backgrounds, inherent likes and dislikes.
- Physical conditions suiting getting Inclusive Education in the face of non-availability of infrastructural support.
- Curriculum and its viability suiting the provision of Inclusive Education.
- Diversity can’t be overlooked or ignored as it is the spice of life.
- Diversity—a force of character—to be recognised and ways and means to be explored to sharpen a student’s personal interests, likes and dislikes.
- Drawbacks, if any, of the present-day system of education and suggestions for further diversification or improvements in consonance with the ground truths.
Question 6.
Working in groups, illustrate the poem. Put up your illustrations on the class notice board under catchy titles.
Students to draw their illustrations on their own as desired.
Question 7.
Now read the news story given below.
West Bengal Boy is World’s Youngest Headmaster
Students to read the news story on their own.
At 16 years of age Babar Ali is, perhaps, the youngest headmaster in the world. He is incharge of teaching hundreds of students in his family’s backyard. These students are, indeed, poor and from his village. This young man is from Murshidabad in West Bengal.
Babar Ali’s day starts early. He jumps on an auto-rickshaw after doing household chores and reaches the Raj Govinda School. It is at a distance of ten kms. Babar Ali has to walk two kms to reach it. The school is neat and clean. It is fully equipped with furniture and dedicated teachers.
Babar Ali sits in the middle in the front row. He is a tall, slim, smart and studious teenager wearing a blue and white uniform. He is a model student and first member of his family to get a proper education.
Raj Govinda school is govt, run and so it is free. Babar Ali has to pay for his uniform, books and rickshaw. It costs around 1800 rupees a year to send him to school. Many poor families can’t afford to send their children to the school.
Chumki Hajra, 14-years old, has never been to school. She lives in a tiny shack. Every morning she scrubs the dishes instead of going to school. She has bee^ doing this work since she was five. Her father is handicapped and can’t work. But Chumki is getting education with hundreds of other poor children, thanks to Babar Ali. Babar Ali rushes back to his school from Raj Govinda school after it is over. He reaches it at 4 O’clock. A bell summons all children to his house. He now acts as head¬master of his own unofficial school.
Babar Ali gives the lessons the way he gets from his teachers. The children sit in the mud, some on rickety benches while family chickens scratch around here and there. His school has 800 students all from poor families, all taught free. He was just nine when he began teaching a few friends as a game. He says that in the beginning he play-acted. But later he realised that they won’t learn to read and write if they didn’t have proper lessons. He calls it his duty to educate them to help our country build a better future.
There are ten teachers at his school. They volunteer their services free. Ali doesn’t charge for anything. Books, food etc, are free and funded by donations. He admits that without his school they won’t be ever literate.
There are about twelve other girls besides Chumki Hajra. Her dedication is incredible as she works, in homes in the village from six in the morning till 2 pm. Then she heads for Ali’s school. She dreams to become a nurse one day. With that in her mind she is attending Ali’s school. The school has been recognized by the local authorities as it has helped increase literacy rates in the area. Babar Ali has won many awards for his work.
The youngest children are just four or five. There are a couple of electric bulbs to give light when it is dark. There are little problems when seasons change. The monsoon comes and children hurry for cover. They crowd under a piece of plastic sheeting. Babar Ali shouts an order. Lessons are cancelled as rain disrupts the working. The children hurry home through the downpour. Tomorrow they will be back though.
Question 8.
On the basis of your reading of the above text complete the following sentences:
- What makes Babar Ali’s tale extraordinary is ___________
- That Babar Ali values his education is evident ___________
- In spite of the fact that he studies in a government school, receiving an education is not easy because : (a) ___________ (b) ___________
- Chumki is likely to achieve her dream of becoming a nurse because she has the qualities of : (a) ___________ (b) ___________
- The poor infrastructure that the students of Babar Ali’s school study in is obvious from ___________
- It is ironical that though the poor children are hungry for knowledge ___________
- his being at the age of 16 the youngest headmaster in the world
- in his giving out to the poor children what he has been learning from his school teachers. It is in his hardwork to teach the poor children and in running his school.
- (a) it is far away and (b) it is very costly
- (a) working very hard in scrubbing the dishes and cleaning the homes of her neighbours and,(b) her deep ambition to be a nurse
- the absence of furniture. His ‘school’ has rickety benches. It is under a rough, is homemade shelter and with family chickens scratching around nearby.
- no government or non-govt, organizations come to the real help of Babar Ali, the youngest headmaster in the world.
Question 9.
Find one word or phrase from the passage that means the same as the following :
(a) extremely serious, bad or terrible (para 1-3)
(b) to give enthusiastic support (para 4-5)
(c) lanky (para 6-8)
(d) to leave to go to another place (para 13-14)
(e) wobbly (para 16-17) .
(f) to write something hastily or untidily (para 22-23)
(g) very difficult to believe (para 23-25)
(h) scamper (para 27-28)
(i) heavy shower (para 28)
(a) direst
(b) pitches in
(c) gangly
(d) heads off
(e) rickety
(f) scribbling
(g) incredible
(h) scurry
(i) downpour
Question 10.
Smt. Anju Kar, Minister (Mass Education), West Bengal comes across BBC’s story of Babar Ali’s remarkable achievements transforming the lives of hundreds of poor children.
She writes a letter to him lauding his extraordinary efforts and undeterred spirit of reform in the face of adversity. She also promises support, both financial and academic to him. As Anju Kar, write the letter to Babar Ali.
Minister (Mass Education)
Govt, of West Bengal Kolkata
5 October, 20 – –
My dear Babar Ali
I have come across BBC’s story of you and your remarkable achievements in transforming the lives of hundreds of poor children through teaching them even in adverse conditions. My heart goes with you when I realize how wonderfully you have contributed to the cause of govt’s, mass education campaign. This makes it more creditable without any govt, assistance. The country feels proud of you and the people of West Bengal bow their heads in gratitude to your determined efforts in educating the poor population. Despite difficulties and other adverse circumstances you have riicely been discharging your social responsibilities towards the educationally deprived. in a way, you are helping the underprivileged to fulfil their dreams through literacy. You are a pathfinder tor the youth of the country irl doing something useful for it. In this way you are an inspirer for thousands of such children.
I, as Minister of Education, am exploring all possible avenues to provide you every possible financial and other assistance. It is to ensure that you do not face any problem in your great duties. I am also recommending your case for a special grant to the Hon’ble Chief Minister.
Wishing all success in your great efforts.
Yours sincerely
(Smt.) Anju Kar
Question 11.
Writing a Biosketch
Bama, alias Karukku Bama
Bama, popularly known as Karukku Bama, was born in 1958. She is a creative Tamil woman writer, a committed teacher and a social activist. She has a penname in Faustina Mary Fatima Rani. She has written novels with the titles Karukku, Sangati and Vanman. She has translated them into other Indian languages, English and French. Bama has also written twenty short stories which have not yet been published in book form. She was awarded a Honorary doctorate degree. She was honoured with a Crossword Award for her semi-fictional autobiography Karukku. She was invited by universities in India and abroad. She also lectured at various conferences held in the country and abroad.
Bama is a multi-faceted personality. She is a woman with extraordinary courage and conviction. She resists any form of oppression. She has a keen eye for beauty in nature and profound insight into the issues pertaining to caste, religion and women. She is endowed with clear thoughts and expression. Bama is dedicated to the uplift of the downtrodden. Her passion is teaching and mission of life is building a casteless society.
Question 12.
Listen carefully to a speech by Steven Jobs.
No questions asked
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