Smart card is a thin, credit card-sized piece of plastic that contains a half-inch-square area that serves as the card’s...
Transaction integrity ensures that any illegitimate user’s modification to the message can be detected. Modification includes insertion, deletion, substitution...
Client computers must be protected from threats. Active contents can be one of the most serious threats to client computers....
Protecting e-commerce assets is not an option but a necessity it commerce is to grow strong. The electronic world will...
The server is highly vulnerable and forms the threat link in the Client-Internet Server Group serving the electronic commerce path...
The Internet serves as the electronic chain linking a consumer to an electronic commerce resource. The Internet is not at...
Online businesses must be careful in their use of intellectual property. Intellectual property is a general term that includes all...
A security policy is a written statement describing: Which assets to protect and why they are being protected? Who is...
Intellectual property encompasses all the tangible and intangible products of the human mind. As a general rule, the creator of...
Following are the differences between Traditional Commerce and E-commerce: Traditional Commerce E-commerce 1. Traditional commerce involves a great...